Here you will find examples of how other smart designers have used Altemus fonts to create memorable artwork for their projects.
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Have a piece of artwork that you created using Altemus fonts or vectors that you would like to share? We're always interested in seeing the great things done using our design resources.
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Designer: Rick Stark, New York City
Project: Branding Banner
Fonts used: Harrington, Yokawerad, Baby Teeth, Superclarendon, Cuts 2, Cuts 3.
Designer: Rick Stark, New York City
Project: Editorial game artwork
Fonts used: Magnesium, Rockwell Extra Bold, Tool Kit 1, Tool Kit 2, Kitchen.
Designer: Rick Stark, New York City
Project: Clothing hang tags, branding & marketing
Fonts used: Yokawerard, Superclarendon, Giulia Light, Didot Italic, Bursts 3, Rules 4.
Designer: Lyn Byrd, New York City
Project: Non-profit logo exploration
Fonts used: Knockout 26 Junior Flyweight, Shields, Cuts 3, Pinwheels.
Designer: Happy Boy Studio, New York City
Project: Social comentary, faux event poster
Fonts used: Futura Extrabold Cond., Kitchen.